By Mariansowter
United Kingdom
I used to be very proud of all the beautiful daffodils in my garden each Spring but this year I have hardly any and most have come up blind. I have dug up the blind ones but am loathed to throw them out. Is this the end of the road for them or is there something I can do to revive them for next year?
On plant
11 Apr, 2011
Digging them up right now was just about the worst thing you could do. Replant asap and feed with half strength tomato food. You may well not get a lot of flowers next year due to lifting them but the following year they should be fine.
11 Apr, 2011
Woops! I've always tied them when the flowers die down and have only just got back to the site and found your answers. Thank you so much. I will dash out there now and plant and feed them in the hopes that I might have saved them for the year after next. I will duly report back. Many thanks again.
17 May, 2011
Expect them to be blind next year... Just feed the foliage.
17 May, 2011
Two things with bulbs - the foliage should never be cut, tied or broken for a whole six weeks after they've flowered, and second, feed them while the leaves are present, and ensure they don't totally dry out. Bulbs form their flowers for next year within the bulb at the end of flowering, so that's the time to feed them, and that's why they need their leaves. Not sure if any of this applies to you though.
11 Apr, 2011