By Grassroots
United Kingdom - Surrey,
United Kingdom
Bamboo?!?!? Hello GOY members - I need some advice. I am thinking of buying a rectangular pot and planting some bamboo to create a privacy screen on my patio. Can anyone recommend what type of bamboo to buy and how hard it is to grow it? Thanks.
13 Apr, 2011
If its going in a pot, I'd choose Phyllostachys nigra, with black stems, or Hibanobambusa 'Shiroshima'. Make sure the pot is at least 2 feet deep by 18 inches wide.
13 Apr, 2011
Very helpful comments as always, THANK YOU!
13 Apr, 2011
and never let it dry out.........
14 Apr, 2011
Right ok - It has to be well watered all year round? Does it need any special compost when planting?
14 Apr, 2011
I had one customer who wanted her pots of bamboos maintained, so I started by repotting them into ordinary compost with a helping of 'growmore' slow release fertiliser. They stayed happily in the pots atleast until I left.
15 Apr, 2011
Multi purpose potting or John Innes No. 2 or a mix of the two will be fine. Don't feed initially - there's some food in the compost if its new.
15 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« Thanks to all for the advice,I am off to the pound shop !!!
I have planted Fargesia murielae - it is non-invasive, very hardy and grows quickly. It will give you year round privacy but will not take over your or your neighbours gardens. This is the Bamboo that I would suggest for you - it is very easy to plant and grow and cheap to buy.
13 Apr, 2011