By Katya
Kent, United Kingdom
This is a sequel to my query about mature potted trees last summer. We bought two photinia on tall stems with the foliage at the right height to cover our living room window and they've prospered so far. But on a warm day last week I suddenly noticed that the tender new growth on the one on the left, i.e. the east, was drooping badly. It was the second day of sun and I realised I'd failed to water it in time - up till then we'd had frequent rain. We dowsed it with water and the new growth lifted but a lot of it was still a bit dessicated. Its neighbour, which it had patently been sheltering from the early morning sun, was OK and the new shoots are well developed. Is there anything I can do to encourage further new shoots, e.g. removing the damaged ones?
- 13 Apr, 2011
Agree with Julien, but would add that as your shrubs are in containers, you will always need to keep an eye on them from a watering point of view, even if it rains - the foliage on the plants means not much rain actually gets into the roots/compost. Water well yourself throughout spring, summer and autumn - you may not need to do it in winter.
15 Apr, 2011
Previous question
Hello, see if they perk up, if not then if you cut down a liitle on the damaged shoots they will respond, photinia always do well either if you trim them lightly or hard prune them. julien.
13 Apr, 2011