By J79m80
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I have a camealia which is about 4or 5 years old. It has flowered every year but this year the flower buds seem to be trying to open then drying up and dropping off. can any one please tell me why it is doing this
16 Apr, 2011
Many thanks for your help I will try what you have said next winter.
A lot of the leaves are a nice green but some of them have curled up and turn brown. joness
16 Apr, 2011
Hello, one reason could be down to frost damage, and also lack of water through the summer whilst the flower buds are forming, has it been well watered recently? Is the foliage nice and healthy, and do you feed with an ericacious liquid feed through the growing season? i think next year you should be ok, but be cautious next winter and if we get a severe cold snap then wrap loosely with some fleece. julien
16 Apr, 2011