United Kingdom
My five year old Dicksonia Antarctica does not seem to be recovering from the winter. Despite being protected in the same method as previous winters I find that no fronds seem to be appearing and the crown has a pinkish soft gel covering it. I have tried wiping this off but it reappears. Is there anything I can do to recover this plant?
16 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« hi re: clematis triternata rubromarginata. was concerned with its growing...
The soft pinkish gel means it won't regrow from the top - some people say you can cut the top off and it might grow again from lower down - get rid of the bit you cut off, its now got slime flux by the sound of it, so if you want to try cutting it back, make sure what you cut back to doesn't display the same discoloration. I've no idea if it works or not, cutting off a lump, but its not going to grow as it is, so perhaps worth a shot.
19 Apr, 2011