By Nancyc
United States
where to plant Red Hot Poker, Kniphofia Uvaria?
16 Apr, 2011
If your summers are pretty hot (105º+ F) they will probably be grateful for some afternoon shade. If the winters are mild (USDA zone 9 or more) and the summer nights are hot (95º+) Kniphofia doesn't like that sort of climate, and you may be better off planting Aloe, Hesperaloe, or Dyckia.
16 Apr, 2011
Hello Nancyc, They do well planted in full sun, but equally do well in semi shade, and the soil needs to be well drained, dig a decent size hole, dig some organic matter in and scatter a few chicken manure pellets and and soak them, lightly fork it and plant and water it in, in coming years cut down old flowered stems to the base and take away any ragged foliage to keep the appearance of the plant looking its best, this can be done in the spring, avoid over watering these plants, mulch round the base of the plant in the autumn to give it a little protection through the winter. julien.
16 Apr, 2011