By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
fungus ID.
Moving home made compost from around the back of the garage I found these violet[so I am told as I am blue/purple colourblind] toadstools.
pretty but curious as to what it is.

17 Apr, 2011
looked in my book and it says as follows:wood blewit (lepista nuda)3-5 in gills and stem violet,flesh bluish-lilac,faint perfume.cap to 6in across(15cm)cap turns up as it matures.the violet hue of the wood blewit's gills and stem is guite unmistakable,but the colour fades after a day.older specimans may be difficult to identify without their violet colour,and younger ones could be confused with the violet' cortinarius' species,but the latter have cortina-aweb like gill covering- when young. apart from woodland the wood blewit inhabits garden compost heaps,it is considered edible but may cause an allergic reaction in some people,so eat a little at a first.
i have to say i don't think i would eat them.
hope that helps,i think this is what you have.
17 Apr, 2011
thats fantastic thankyou both. I cant find my field guide any where and I cant remember if /who I have leant it too.
I wont be eating them as not that keen on 'mould'. OH calls mushrooms mould and can you imagine shopping with the kids and him saying 'go and get a bag of mould' and both kids scampering off to the mushroom aisle. I prefer to shop by my self. he calls yogurt sour milk etc..... :)
fun for the kids but embarrasing for me.
18 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« I've recently bought some Coleus Canina plug plants, but I don't know whether...
I used to get these in my greenhouse and always had trouble identifying them. They are probably either field blewits, which are edible and good, or more likely cortinarius violaceus, which are also edible, though I never risked it!
17 Apr, 2011