By Jooliehoolie
United Kingdom
Hi... I have got a Eucalyptus Pauciflora ...ssp debeuzevillei which is losing its bottom leaves after the bad winter.It ia about 5 years old. Some of the the leaves have black spots on them when they have dropped. The whole tree looks quite sad but is not dead. Can i do any thing to save this lovely tree ? Thanks Julie Hardy
18 Apr, 2011
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Is it growing in the ground, or in a pot? Assuming its in the ground, this is just a result of the harsh winter - quite a few people have lost Eucalyptus altogether, some more mature ones are only now showing signs of regrowth. In the ground, lightly fork some growmore in round the base as a general feed to boost it. If its in a pot, it needs planting out.
21 Apr, 2011