Should my Silver Birch be budding by now?
By _helen_
United Kingdom
Hi, about 2 years ago I brought a silver birch, I think Jacqamanni (really white trunk),approx 12-14 ft high, it did not do very well last year, it had leaves but they seemed to be very small, I put this down to the roots being fairly short when I brought it. This year, so far, there is no sign of any leaves at all. Do you know if it should be leafing by now, or do you think I have lost it?
Many Thanks,
- 18 Apr, 2011
Many thanks, have checked for life and the branches are still supple and green underneath, have just given it a good water, fingers crossed!
18 Apr, 2011
You'll have to keep on watering it, Helen, unless we get some proper drenching rain.
18 Apr, 2011
They also like sun. I noticed the Birch sapling in a sheltered north facing position in my garden is still not in leaf whilst the ones south facing are in full bloom.
18 Apr, 2011
Previous question
I'm in the middle of Scotland and all mine are leafing now. Are there no signs of any buds on any of the branches? You should start to see the buds as soon as the leaves fell off last autumn/winter.
Try and bend the branches gently - if it snaps then it is dead if there is some give then there is prob life there (gently rub the branch and see if it is slightly green under the bark)
If you do see some signs of life give it a water - it has been very dry this spring and Birch like a good watering.
18 Apr, 2011