By Bernard
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Viburnum pruning.
I need to learn the intricacies of pruning. I know the general rule that pruning should be done after flowering. In the past I have pruned the shrubs whenever the mood took me and this year I wondered why hardly any flowers appeared and came to the conclusion that last year the shrubs were attacked very badly by Viburnum beetle and because it looked such a mess I gave it a good pruning and obviously cut off most of the stems that would have produced flowers this year. But now I have a big dilemma and can't imagine what the solution might be, because all the new growth is happening on the ends of existing stems, so it seems to me that if I want to prune to keep the size under control, I'm going to lose next years flowers again. Help!
- 18 Apr, 2011
We had a Viburnum Tinus in the front garden and it grew like Topsy, in spite of heavy pruning. Nearly climbed in the front window. It had to go. It was replaced by a bright and cheerful golden leaved Spirea. Easy to prune, colourful, pretty pink flowers. Literally can be trimmed any old time, and no sulks by not blooming next time round.
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks for your help Sbg, I'll do as you suggest.
19 Apr, 2011
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In this case I would prune out 1/3 after flowering down as low as you want. Then next year another 1/3 and so on. that way you can keep the plant to the size you want.
18 Apr, 2011