By Anchorman
United Kingdom
Plant suggestions please
One of my customers is looking to replace a 6 foot Yucca
she keeps in a 24 inch pot under a car port. The car port is quite well enclosed( only the front is fully open to the outside) so the plant is well protected from wind ,rain and snow but it is open to the cold in winter so cannot be very tender. The car port gets quite warm in summer.
She's open to suggestions but doesn't want another "spiky leaved plant" She has a budget of up to £25
Any ideas please?
18 Apr, 2011
I'm rather surprised that a 6' Yucca fits into a 2' pot.
In a garden behind mine there's a 6' Yucca and the spread must be about the same (6') and it would be a physical impossibilty for it to fit into a 2' pot.
For a different plant how about a Laurus, Taxus, Ceanothus or Garrya ?
19 Apr, 2011
The yuccas been in the pot for years and only this year has it lost condition.
Fatsias a good idea Scotsgran
19 Apr, 2011
I worry that your suggestions might find it too warm under a car port in summer Louise. I'd love to put a ceanothus there but I wonder if itb would give up the glost in very warm weather.
19 Apr, 2011
I'm curious, how wide is that Yucca, Anchorman ?
Does your client keep it pruned somehow to keep it small ?
Also, can't the pot be free'd from it's location sometimes and be taken out into the fresh air - it seems sad to have it under cover all the time !
How about a Freemontadendron, that likes the heat, or a Hibiscus or Nerium. Infact go for a Nerium, that would be lovely.
19 Apr, 2011
How about a species Camellia which are not hardy or an olive tree.
19 Apr, 2011
The yucca is about 4 feet wide with three main stems.
It looks a bit ill and she's she's taken against it .
I couldn't find a fatsia at a garden centre today . Problem is she wants something that is immediately quite big and there's not much like that in garden centres in my area.
The Neriums look nice. I know nothing about them. Are they fairly hardy and evergreen?
19 Apr, 2011
The Neriums are evergreen and would be hardy under cover.
I have mine out in the open ground and i can say with certainty that it comes through a minus 12 winter (last years min temp).
That Yucca with 3 stems - i've not seen one that has stems - i'm used to seeing them as just one big main clump of foliage.
The one in the garden behind me is about 6'x6' and each year its long fat stalks of large creamy white flowers are just beautiful - at that point it's a lovely sight but when it's just green i think they're a bit unexciting ! (Just my opinion of course!)
20 Apr, 2011
It sounds more like a cordilyne if it has three stems. Could you cut the outriggers off if that is what she does not like. You might be able to get something big but not for £25.00, unless you go to somewhere like a supermarket or B&Q and you might get something big but not necessarily able to stand the conditions she has. I imagine she put her plant in place when it was quite small and it has hardened and grown to the conditions.
20 Apr, 2011
Ahh, now i understand, Scotsgran.
Are you and your client really meaning a Cordyline, Anchorman ? ? ?
20 Apr, 2011
Have a look at this link Anchorman. Bamboo or a Fern might appeal to her. They do have a 60 -80cm Fatsia in a 15L pot for just under £50 delivered. They do trade prices so that might be a cheaper option for you. Louise theyactually show a yucca with more thanone stem. We live and learn.
20 Apr, 2011
It could be a cordyline. I've always struggled to tell the difference between those and yuccas .
It was my customer asking me to cut off one stem (which then left the plant unbalanced and tatty looking( I warned her about this first) that made her decide to get rid of the ? cordyline..
I have access to a couple of large plant wholesalers so getting a decent priced plant for under £25 should be no proble.
I can't say I've ever seen a Nerium for sale and unfortunately they didn't have any fatsias in stock at the wholesalers this morning .
They normally have lots of big plants for sale but this morning there was little of interest at the size I'm looking for.
20 Apr, 2011
There are Neriums at both of the retail garden centres that i visit so they are very much available from those sources.
From what i see they are becoming far more popular than they were about 10 years ago - i think gardeners are realising that they're not as 'soft' as they once thought, if mine withstood minus 12 then i'm sure others could too.
20 Apr, 2011
How big were thee Neriums and how much were they please, Louise.
Were the garden centres national chains?
20 Apr, 2011
One of the GC's was a Wyevale and the other could be an independent because there's no actual name other then 'Garden & Leisure' on their point-of-sale.
The plants were the same size and price, about 2' tall and about 15" wide.
They were priced at about £15 and came in several different colours.
I know a couple of the staff in the Wyevale one and they say that they're always snapped up as quick as they're put on the displays, they certainly aren't around for long each time i see them.
21 Apr, 2011
Use this link Anchorman to find a supplier near you. There are lots of different oleanders (Neriums) and they list 171 suppliers throughout the country.
21 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the link Scotsgran and the information Louise
21 Apr, 2011
How about a Fatsia. Have a look on this link so see a wonderful atrium and carport.
18 Apr, 2011