By Gostling100
United Kingdom
I have a lavender in a pot by my kitchen door and although it started well last year, this year it's struggling to produce anything and is so woody. I did prune it down last year but it looks awful now. What can I do to give it back it's life and glory
20 Apr, 2011
It depends on variety of Lavender - most do not like to be pot bound as it makes them leggy and thin. My English Lavender was in a pot all last year and is the worst for it with dry leaves that fall off when touched and leggy growth.
I would plant your Lavender in your garden and trim it down, not into the woody parts. The time to prune Lavender is now and it should regrow. I did this to mine a few weeks ago and I have fresh growth all over - potting did not agree with it.
20 Apr, 2011