By Saltire
United Kingdom
I have a ceanothus trained through a trellis. It has been growing happily for four years putting on lovely new growth and flowers. After the hard winter we had it is not looking good. Small shoots have appeared at the end of bare spindly branches with last years leaves dead or dying. The main branches are bare and the brown wood is now changed to a green colour. Is there anything I can do to restore it to its former glory?
21 Apr, 2011
I have done the same as Julien and noticed today that shoots are appearing right down near the bottom of the trunk. I had almost given it up for lost as it is getting on in years. so don't despair, cut it well back, leaving any shoots that are obviously still living, and cross your fingers!
21 Apr, 2011
Hello, i have been dealing with many ceanothus lately, on many of them the main outer growth has died but having been patient many have put new shoots out from the main stem/ trunk, so this is how i have dealt with it, i have cut away all the dead growth taking them back to the main branching system, by doing so the new shoots have more light and on the plants i have done they are responding well, i have given them all a feed and have kept them well watered, yes its going to be possibly a slow process but worth it, i think it may be ok, give some tlc, julien
21 Apr, 2011