Lophospermum (White)
By Doug
United Kingdom
I have the above name plant in a pot. What action should I take for the coming winter. I do have a grrenhouse.
15 Oct, 2008
Hi I read up on it and it says for the pink variety that the tuber roots need only a victorian bell over it as long as the ground does not freeze and temps do not drop below -5C. The plant will die back to these roots and shoot up again in spring.
16 Oct, 2008
Thank you Spritzhenry and Isabella. T
The plant in question is similar to a Convovulus. It is still flowering madly and cuttings taken from it are extremely healthy.
A further question is should it be cut back? As said, it is in a large pot and in a greenhouse.
16 Oct, 2008
Sorry, Doug - no mention of cutting it back in my book. If Isabella is right, it will die back naturally - so you shouldn't have this problem.
16 Oct, 2008
Sorry no expirence with this plant here and I am a "novice" to gardening - --- I really like the plant though and I think I'll get some seed as it should do well here in Greece -
here is amongst others a link I found
I would let it die back, as it mentions it is also called "creeping gloxinia"
17 Oct, 2008
I had to look this one up in my RHS book - it says that the temperature should be no lower than 3 - 5 degrees centigrade, and it should be kept in a cool greenhouse in full light. Cut back on the watering, too. It looks like a beautiful plant - good luck with it.
15 Oct, 2008