By Bobbylee
United Kingdom
Growing chives in the garden, purple bulbs on the tips, are they seed pods or will they flower? Not sure whether to leave them on or not!
22 Apr, 2011
These are so pretty I reckon chives can be grown in a flower bed rather than the veg garden!
22 Apr, 2011
Mine are, Steragram, as an edging near the front, along with yellow leaved oregano...
22 Apr, 2011
Much loved by rabbits also..... :-(
22 Apr, 2011
Ive got mine growing down the garden path, really pretty and when you brush pass them u get a whiff of them.
22 Apr, 2011
Hi there,
They are very nice snipped over warm buttered new potatoes, or chopped fine for salads and omlets.
Keep them and use them, but watch they don't take over your flower bed.
Happy gardening.
23 Apr, 2011
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they're going to be flowers -they open up into round cushion heads of lilac delight, and they're edible. Only drawback is that the flowered stalks become quite tough and not pleasant to eat, so it means removing them if you want to eat some leaves. Still worth it though, much loved by bees too...
22 Apr, 2011