By Japon
United Kingdom
Ants all over my purple acer?
Planted in the garden and been well watered, Leaves are started to droop and on closer inspection there are ants all over it!
Did'nt think ants did to much harm to plants?
22 Apr, 2011
I had this on a tree last year and it was Aphids got rid of them and the ants just went. If its not that - I read last week how ants hate the wet so if you can find their home and drench it?
22 Apr, 2011
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They don't, unless they made a nest inside the compost/rootball in the pot before you planted it. Or you've planted it smack on top of a nest.But check for aphid/scale infestation, that's usually why they're on plants, collecting the honeydew.
22 Apr, 2011