By Lillymilly
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We have a tree sized Cordyline which we are going to have to cut down as we are sure it is dead due to the smelly rotten trunks at the bottom of it, any ideas of what we could plant thats evergreen to cover the four stumps that will be left as they will be rather big and unslightley it is in the middle of a grassed area. kind regards for any suggestions .

22 Apr, 2011
Clematis alpina is my favourite plant for covering stumps. Ours are covered in lovely mauve flowers now and then will have fluffy seedheads to be admired.
23 Apr, 2011
Or...... remove the stump!! About to remove mine so no doubt there will be an update. Have removed a large conifer last year and trimmed my sycamores roots while creating a border - hoping this will be much easier! Practice makes perfect eh!
23 Apr, 2011
Update 1! Similar size to yours, already cut down trunks with ease using rip saw. Started removing stump yesterday by undermining it. So far 70% round, about 3' deep. Looks like the root is tapering at this depth but I haven't yet found the bottom! Wonder how much deeper to go - perhaps a chainsaw will remove enough root, leave rest to rot. Watch this space!
24 Apr, 2011
Ah, Adwen, you have discovered the problem with removing stumps completely. In a tree size cordy they can go down as far as 8'. One of my neighbours tried to move one 3 or 4 years ago (against all advice by the way) and only succeeded in breaking off the root at about 5' down and killing the cordy. Doesn't matter with one that is already dead of course so you are quite right in suggesting you should leave some of it to rot.
26 Apr, 2011
Hi thanks everyone for your kind help . x
26 Apr, 2011
You have my (and many other people's) sympathy. Lots of us after the lousy November/December weather this winter are in the same boat. I've lost several but none of my Phormiums. The New Zealand flax has the same type of leaf as a cordy but is far hardier and within a few years will form a large bush, that will cover the cut-down stumps.
23 Apr, 2011