By Majella
I have a hedge of well established viburnum tinus, which I planted about 15 years ago. They were growing healthily until about 18 months ago when some of the leaves started to go brown. Now one of the plants has appeared to have died. What can i do to save the rest of the plants? I live in the South East of Ireland in an area of limestone-based soil.
23 Apr, 2011
Without establishing the cause of the browning/death, its difficult to say. Is there any sign of disease or infestation? Inspect the plants from top to bottom, looking for holes in leaves, mildew infection, rotted areas, insect infestation, scale infestation, etc. Is it possible weedkiller has been applied nearby, either to the ground or as a spray? Have you seen any honey coloured toadstools around September time in the vicinity, usually in association with old, dead wood such as old tree stumps? Did you have drought conditions 18 months ago?
27 Apr, 2011