By Lindameadle
United Kingdom
Is this Dicentra? The leaves are different?

24 Apr, 2011
I can't make it out well enough, could you get another sharper pic ?
24 Apr, 2011
I thought it was an aqulegia in bud.
24 Apr, 2011
OK, so now we have the question. I'm with Seaburngirl, this is a dark red aquilegia in bud. The other pics you added in dribs and drabs later show a paler pink specimen that is a bit more open, so easier to ID. The leaves are right for aquilegia too.
24 Apr, 2011
On the right of the picture I see an aquilegia, on the left a hellebore but, bang in the center, I see a dicentra.
24 Apr, 2011
Sorry Bulbaholic, that red one isn't a dicentra, it's an aquilegia. Se my last blog for a pic of dicentra.
24 Apr, 2011
I think its Aquilegia.
24 Apr, 2011
Linda, please could you post another pic on here, taken in a couple of days when I think the flowers will have opened more. You can edit your question and add another picture to the one already on here - you can have up to three photos per question. And if possible, could you hold the camera just a little lower, so we can see into the flowers from below. Thanks, that should settle the question for us all.
24 Apr, 2011
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Yes, I would say that it is - a Bleeding Heart. But I wouldn't like to say just what its name is.
24 Apr, 2011