United Kingdom
U.K Pot Plants, How big should the pots be? which plants survive in them?? I have an area of patio and would like to bring it to life with some plants, flowery or not!! Thanks.x
24 Apr, 2011
The thing is, you can grow everything from tiny alpines, to medium-sized shrubs, in containers, and they all require different size pots. There are some things to consider:
Plastic pots are relatively cheap--and often look it! They hold water well, which is a boon for plants that use water fast, but can be a problem to those that need fast drainage, such as Lavender. They heat up fast in the spring, but provide little insulation for the roots in the winter.
Unglazed earthenware and terra cotta pots allow water to evaporate from the sides--good for Lavender, succulents, and some herbs, but tough on pansies, lettuce, and other water-suckers. The evapration also keeps the soil cool, which is more of a boon here in the desert, than it is in the UK. Pottery has slightly more insulating value than plastic, but also a distressing tendency to break in freezing weather. Fertilizer salts also gather in the clay, causing the pot to disintegrate in several years.
Glazed stoneware pots last practically forever, if a freeze or the nephew's trike don't get 'em. They have similar water-holding characteristics to plastic pots, and similar insulating properties to terra cotta. They tend to be fairly pricey.
Foam plastic pots are good insulators, and hold water well, too. Some brands are a little fragile, while others are coated in polyethylene, or reinforced by fibers, and are pretty strong. To date, they tend to be as pricey as the stoneware, and often cause sticker shock among those looking for "cheap plastic".
Wooden tubs or troughs are moderately insulated, have moderate to good water-holding characteristics, depending on how tightly they are made, but tend to rot after a few years, longer if made of cedar or oak.
All containers for growing plants should have drainage holes, to keep the roots from rotting.
On the subject of saucers: pots only need saucers to protect the surface underneath. If you can do without saucers, it will make life much easier for you and your plants. If you can't do without, remember to empty the saucer shortly after watering, to keep the soil from staying soggy, and salts from building up.
I hope all this helps narrow down the choices for you!
25 Apr, 2011
Wecome to GOY Jane. Tug (above) has taken you through choosing a pot now you need to see what to plant in it. Go to the foot of the page and click on C and then on Container gardening to get some inspiration from other members efforts. We will look forward to seeing photographs soon.
25 Apr, 2011
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pots come in all shapes and sizes and it is down to preferences.
1. a plant you want to grow then find a pot to suit or
2. a pot you really like and then find plants to fit.
sorry it is so vague but you often find clusters of pots that are same pattern but of different sizes.
24 Apr, 2011