By Gooseygander
United Kingdom
I recently bought a ornamental cherry tree which is a bit gangly and could do with bit of shaping. when is the best time to trim a cherry?
25 Apr, 2011
Hope you dont mind Goosey, but just cashing in on your question - I recently bought a Cheals Weeping Prunus from B&Q which I kind of regret as when I tipped it out of the pot, it was bare rooted. Anyway, set it and it is alive but shooting just above the graft, not sure if any of the stem above is alive. Should I leave to see if it shoots above, or cut down above the new growth? Thank you.
25 Apr, 2011
Hello, i would wait and see if any growth appears further up, if not and it is dead then you will have to choose a strong shoot from above the graft and try and train this, or could you not take it back to the shop and exchange it, julien.
29 Apr, 2011
Thank you Julien, I'll leave it a while then to see what happens and review their return policy. Thank you.
29 Apr, 2011
My cherry tree is looking a bit sad. It's not had much new growth on since I planted it and has had some leaves go yellow and drop off. Is this likely to be due to lack of water in the dry spring we had or something more serious?
20 Aug, 2011
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« In the past I have planted geranium macrorrhizum Ingwersen's variety, Bevan's...
Best time to prune, will be between May/june, avoid pruning in the dorment season, doing so will risk getting silver leaf desease, which over a few years can kill the tree, by pruning in the summer the wounds have time to heal before the winter, treat all the prunus family this way, julien.
25 Apr, 2011