By Slicer_ann
United Kingdom
I have forest flame that is wilting ,also an azlea and
cylamin that are not doing well,I think the frost we
had a few weeks ago and the cold wind have caused
the trouble ,is there anything I can do or have I lost
them,help please
25 Apr, 2011
Pieris and azalea are both acid lovers, so you could try adding some iron sulphate around them - if they are short of iron the leaves go rather yellow and unhealthy looking.
That wouldn't apply to the cyclamen though. They are susceptible to vine weevil so it might be worth having a look at the roots if it looks seriously sick enough to risk disturbing it.
25 Apr, 2011
If your Pieris has been planted less than 3 years, and you've had very dry weather, like a lot of us have, then its suffering from drought.
26 Apr, 2011
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I would get a fertiliser to stengthen the roots and top dress.
25 Apr, 2011