By Jackkenneth
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
A double question for you here.
Firstly, my Jalepeño chilli plant is already fruiting, got a couple of chillis an inch or so long. The problem is the plant is in a pretty small pot. If I potted it on now would all the plants energy go into root growth and plant growth and stop the fruit in its tracks? Or would the fruit continue to thrive?
Secondly, the chilli seed I used was from a chilli growing kit, will I be able to plant the seeds from the chilies I've grown and expect those also to grow and bear fruit too?
Cheers, Jack
27 Apr, 2011
Heirloom varieties come true from seed, as long as they weren't too close to another variety--can be quite a surprise with a homegrown bell pepper! Hybrid varieties revert to some combination of their diverse parent's characteristics. In any pepper, let the fruit turn color before harvesting the seed. Seeds from green fruits are usually not mature enough.
3 May, 2011
Thanks guys, a big help!
3 May, 2011
If the plant is rootbound and desperate to be repotted, do it anyway, fruit or no fruit, but try not to disturb the rootball too much when you do it, and water well afterwards and subsequently. As for growing your own from your own chili seed, not sure whether they come true or not, but certainly worth a shot.
30 Apr, 2011