Help about Eucalyptus...
By Ewalde
United States
I live in Charleston, SC (zone 8). My yard is rather small. It is about 16 1/2 feet away from my neighbors house.
I just cut down a Locuat that was growing on my property but near my neighbors house. It provided a great screen of green against my neighbors home. Now I just see there home since the Locuat is gone. What can I plant in place of where the Locuat was that will be ever green, grow somewhat fast, won't have a harmful root structure to our brick patio and won't litter leaves and fruit (as the Locuat did)?
- 28 Apr, 2011
Whew! Tight parameters, Ewalde! Columnar Junipers might work, probably varieties of J. virginiana. Male hybrid Hollies are another possibility, though the fastest growing of these often get too big, eventually. 'Wil Fleming' Yaupon is another candidate. Photinia is a though, too.
30 Apr, 2011