By Linsuffolk
United Kingdom
We would like to buy a cherry tree that can be grown in a tub on the patio. Could any members advise us on a good cropping variety that is sweet tasting please.................Any suggestions welcomed, but must be sweet. I have heard there is a variety that is self pollinating but not sure what it is or if its sweet.
28 Apr, 2011
Thanks for your reply Kildermorie, I will take a look. :o))
4 May, 2011
Previous question
« Hi. I have an Acer negundo "Flamingo" that's really spindly. A long...
I know Sunburst is sweet, you will have to prune it to keep it in a tub though.
I saw an advert for mini fruit trees a few days ago, no idea if they are any good though:
29 Apr, 2011