By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I planted 20 runner beans in small pots and they have been in the greenhouse for about 2 weeks now, there is no sign of them shooting. How long do they take?
29 Apr, 2011
Also you are better sowing runner beans directly into the ground in a deep trench with lots of compost or well rotted manure.
29 Apr, 2011
yes they are kept really moist.....I just scraped the top off the soil of one pot and seen a small shoot so fingers crossed. If I sow them straight into the ground when is the best time.
29 Apr, 2011
Now :-)
29 Apr, 2011
Previous question
Should be about one week before you start seeing something. Have they been kept moist? If the compost dries out after they have strted to sprout they will die.
29 Apr, 2011