By Judet
United Kingdom
what do you recommend for daffs after flowering. Cut them, leave them or what ?
29 Apr, 2011
Let the leaves die down naturally because that is the way to get the best show next year. Untidy for a few weeks but worth it in the end. Plus a light liquid feed if you want to.
29 Apr, 2011
Judet, if I could just come on board with another (relevant) question to yours
Bernard, If I decide to pull up daffs from the border (with their leaves) now as opposed to in a few weeks time...will they still provide regeneration of the bulbs for next year
Kind Rgds
29 Apr, 2011
Thank you all for advice. Judet
29 Apr, 2011
Giroffle if you pull up your daffs before the leaves die back you will have a very poor show of flowers next year. Once removed from the ground the leaves have no way of adding any nutriment to the bulb. The centre of the bulb is, right now, forming next years flower, so you want to give it the optimum conditions to do so.
29 Apr, 2011
OK - thanks MG -'s an option I have to take as I need the space
Kind Rgds
29 Apr, 2011
You'd do best just to leave the daffs where they are Giroffle and plant other things on top of them.
29 Apr, 2011
Beattie...can I put them back in... I did take them out...and they have been out for a few days...I also did this with galanthas bulbs
29 Apr, 2011
I meant Galanthus (Snowdrop - Milk Flower) bulbs
29 Apr, 2011
No bulb likes being yanked out of the soil whilst it is still growing Giroffle. Putting them back in if they have been out for more than a few minutes will not help.
30 Apr, 2011
Sounds like you'll need to buy more bulbs in the autumn Giroffle, and next spring LEAVE THEM IN THE GROUND! For ever.
30 Apr, 2011
yes...I got into a pickle here with space...and took some wrong advice locally...not the end of the world...they weren't a fortune,,and wasn't happy with the way they were spatially planted anyhow. I wanted to put tomato seedlings in around them but couldn't work out the space requirements. I'll box clever on this from now on...and thanks both of you
30 Apr, 2011
If you don't want the daffs to spread seed, you can cut the stem back to the base, but on no account should you remove the leaves as they are vital to the regeneration of the bulb. I'm trying to interplant with other plants that will disguise the dying leaves but only begin to appear after the daffs have done their thing. Hostas are good for this as their leaves are so big they completely hide the daff debris.
29 Apr, 2011