By Corgiman
United Kingdom
I have a [CRINODENDRON] I know sounds painfull,The very hard winter we had took away all its leaves and buds which were the flowers for this year, The branches appear to be dead and are easy to break without sign of sap, At the very bottom of the tree are small shoots, the tree itself is about six feet high and in a large pot, My question being ,should i remove dead branches or leave to see what happens,The shoots are imerging from almost ground level,I have a choiysa that has suffered the same problem but that is planted in the garden,I thank all respondants,
29 Apr, 2011
Cut back to live growth... the dead stems will not regrow.
29 Apr, 2011
I would wait until all danger of frosts has passed as the dead stems will be protecting them a bit.
Then you can cut out the dead wood and wait for your shrb to regenerate.
29 Apr, 2011