By Maree
United Kingdom
i have boletta beans to grow could you tell me whether
they can be eaten like broad beans or do they have to be
- 30 Apr, 2011
I treat them like broad beans...
30 Apr, 2011
These beans can be eaten at any stage Very young, you eat the whole pod and so on to the inner bean until they grow too tough to eat, when you then dry and use the seed in the same way as you would a kidney bean. They dry well and can be used in several ways during the winter months and later Treat the dried beans as any other bean when cooking by soaking and cooking thoroughly ( boiling point) for at least twenty minutes to destroy the poisons they contain as do any beans. Will also produce your next years crop if you sow as you would a runner bean. Some times, when stored for a long while, you will find they have been inhabited before you stored them by a weavils eggs which have hatched out. These weavil infested beans can still be sown as seed beans and will normally grow perfectly well.It is certainly not necessary to throw them away. Many seeds contain such inhabitants but these are destroyed on cooking before they have a chance to hatch.
17 May, 2011
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« I have an issai Kwiwi plant which I thought was doing well but I've only just...
They taste great straight from the plant, hot or cold in salads - also nice in stews. Or if you have a lot you can dry them and keep them for the winter.
30 Apr, 2011