By Scotkat
Can anyone recommend a pruning saw?
2 May, 2011
I've got a couple, one from Lidl a year or two ago - it folds into its handle. The other is a cheap (carpenter's type) saw from B&Q - just ordinary.
2 May, 2011
Thankyou both as one of a ladies garden I tend to has as a a holly bush outside her windows and one of the branches has started to get closer to her window.
My lopers would not cut it.
2 May, 2011
I find loppers are the quickest and most convenient to use, but for branches over 1 inch thick it has to be a saw.
2 May, 2011
I've got 2 pruning saws which fold into handle but they some times stick when sawing so i use loppers more, if to big for loppers i get out one of my chainsaws, they do the trick
2 May, 2011
Beattie adn Jiffy I am jst a small petite lady garden r:)
Loppers from most
If job too big then its a job for the big guys:)
2 May, 2011
Carpenters saws and bow saws are designed for cutting lumber on sawhorses, and firewood, respectively, and often cause problems cutting live branches, especially overhead. Of the actual pruning saws, there is little difference, except the cheaper ones bind and bend more easily. On really big branches, the folding ones usually just can't hack it. Any kind you get, put some time into keeping it clean and sharp, or it will cause injuries.
3 May, 2011
Thanks all hubby has said he has a saw in our garage that will do the job for me so save money and borrow:)
3 May, 2011
I bought mine for about £4 in Woolies ten years ago - perfectly adequate, so I don't think you need anything special, though it rather depends what you want to use it for.
2 May, 2011