United Kingdom
I work in a garden which, for the last few years, has had two wonderful fuscia trees...however this last cold winter has finished it off, dead from the tips of the branches downover. but it is coming again from the bottom, I have taken off as much dead wood as I dare, but it seems inevitable that all the long dead branches are going to have to be lopped, they are not going to look good, should they just be dug our or is there something else I can do to give them a new lease of life? Sorry no photo
2 May, 2011
Fuchsias are really good at growing up again from the roots. You can cut the dead branches off right at the bottom.
2 May, 2011
Usually, frost damaged shrubs regrow at 2-3 times the rate they grew to begin with, once they start to recover.
3 May, 2011
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Just take out all the old wood and let the plant regrow from the roots - I have one here in the same boat, used to be 6 foot high, now is down to the ground, but the new growth from the roots is already 18 inches high.
2 May, 2011