United Kingdom
I started my compost heap last yr and have only just read in an old gardening book that rubarb leaves are not to be added to the compost heap as they are poisonous, having already done this can i use the compost or is it usless now? many thanks Roo
3 May, 2011
only poisonous if you eat the leaves. I also add them to the compost heap with no problems. their breakdown by bacteria also breaks down the toxins.
3 May, 2011
Ahh yes, that makes total sence when you think about it. Thought i was going to have to start all over again, lol silly me. Many thanks Owdboggy and Seaburngirl. :D
Ps this site is rather good, so glad i found it.
3 May, 2011
I have always add mine. As long as you have plenty of variety it will be okay.
3 May, 2011
Previous question
By the time you come to use your compost then any poison in the rhubarb leaves will have long been broken down by the decomposition process. There is a lot of nonsense talked about what you can and cannot add to compost heaps. I suppose if you made compost from just rhubarb leaves and orange peel and one or two other things one is not supposed to add then your compost might not be perfect.
3 May, 2011