By Sheba
United Kingdom
what are the best plants to put in so that they will be ready early next year
20 Oct, 2008
You can also sow seeds - lots of annuals will germinate in the soil and be ahead of those you plant in the spring. Go and have a browse and choose what you like the look of!
21 Oct, 2008
If you are very new to gardening ...and this may sound too obvious an answer in which case apologies...but now is the ideal time to plant bulbs such as tulips and daffodils and many others too. They look best in spring when they have been planted in groups.
Also any perennials you like ( geraniums, geums, wallflowers, forget-me nots and lots more) will all grow on and flower early in the year.
22 Oct, 2008
this time of year well in a month or so is a great time to buy and plant shrubs and trees as they will be dorement excuse my spelling
21 Oct, 2008