Is it too late to move plants about?
By Honeybean
West Sussex, United Kingdom
I am quite a new gardener and only really got going last year and made some bad planting choices, which I now only realising ie bad position of tall plants!
Is it too late to move plants about? I have some foxgloves that I have discovered at the front of a bed which I would like to move. I also have some verbena at the front of a bed which I would like to move to the back.
I have also just found an Echinacea and hyperium (not sure how to spell it) hiding under something too need moving.
Can you let me know if I need to leave everything where it is for now or if I could move it please?
I have already discovered that I shouldn't move a peony and have more than likely killed it. :-( So I won't move anything else without advice.
- 4 May, 2011
Thanks :-)
4 May, 2011
Sorry but foxgloves are biennials and if you move them now that is likely to be it... live with your mistakes for this year and learn from them for coming years. Personally I'd live with all the bad planting positions this year and move the perennials in the autumn. Moving now when everything is about to gallop into flower is, at best, going to set back and may kill. Peonies don't like being moved much and this was definitely not the right time to do so.
4 May, 2011
Thanks Moon Growe I will wait patiently until Autumn and makes some notes now on what I want to move so I dont forget. :-)
4 May, 2011
Its difficult to move even a very small foxglove at any time. Its a great idea to make notes - I always mean to, but somehow it never happens ...and the next year the mistakes are still there...
4 May, 2011
You have only done what every gardener has done at some time. Most of these plants will be beginning to show some early growth so in my opinion this is quite a good time to move them. They are sometimes a bit unhappy when moved initially so lots of good compost and lots of watering for them till they settle in.
Some of the other gardeners on this site are more expert than me so wait and see if they agree with me before you do anything.
4 May, 2011