By Steragram
United Kingdom
Applying weed and feed to a large area of lawn. (Still haven't got round to this!)
I have about 550 square yards to treat, one large section and two smaller ones of about 50 sq yds each.. I've hesitated to spray because it is usually windy but don't really trust my granule spreader. I would have to wait for a really still day, having been caught out before when I thought it was still enough! To do it with 2 gal watering can would mean 14 trips to the tap. My question is, if I went for a sprayer after all what sort would you recommend? It might be easier to carry more than 2 gals in a back pack
Being a lady past her prime I can't carry huge amounts of liquid all at once but it might be possible to carry more than 2 gals in a back pack? What sort of price would I expect to pay? (I will remember the good advice given me a few weeks ago to shield from spray drift with a piece of card - brilliant!
5 May, 2011
I once did it carelessly and have never forgotten the horrible sight we had to put up with for weeks! I've been warned not to use granules near trees - do you know how near is near?
5 May, 2011
I wonder why you've been warned not to use granules near trees, but not warned about using liquid weed and feed near trees. Well, no matter - I don't know is the answer - I've certainly applied it within 3 feet of the trunk of trees with no discernible ill effects, although the trees concerned were not shallow rooting, as, for example, Prunus are.
5 May, 2011
There is a young damson (3rd summer) about 2 feet away at the narrowest, a young berberis Helmond Pillar not much more than a foot away at the narrowest and a couple of vigorous shrubs, hypericm Hidcote and viburnum opulus Rosea(which I could spit about because I bought it for the berries,not realising it was sterile) I can just go widely round these and deal with any individual weeds by hand.
5 May, 2011
viburnum opulus is lovely when in flower though, so maybe you can comfort yourself with that thought, lol. I think giving a wider berth round those plants would be a good idea, although there's nothing to stop you applying a feed in those areas, just not the 'weed' element.
6 May, 2011
Right. All I've got to do now is actually get around to it...
The viburnum is in flower now, but I still haven't forgiven it...
6 May, 2011
Ooh, now, Steragram, point the gun in the right direction - your mistake, not the plant's, lol!
7 May, 2011
Suppose so. It isn't the plant's fault that it was born sterile after all. But I do so love those big red berries.
8 May, 2011
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On an area that size, I'd use granules I'm afraid. I always distribute mine by hand and eye, never had a problem with over application yet doing it that way.
5 May, 2011