By Eve_lee
United Kingdom
hello again. My strawberries are in bloom, and I have lovely little fruits. How do I protect them from slugs and birds? I have ring fenced them with crushed eggs, do I need nettings too? Thanks.
5 May, 2011
Answers's war out there! Last year my very first strawberry was nicked by a blackie, and it was growing right outside my conservatory. The cheek of it....the bird actually came in to the conservatory to gain a decent access route to the hanging basket on the house wall outside! You should have heard me curse! Good luck chicken!!
6 May, 2011
Thanks people. Really appreciate it. I am turning into a hippie now, I grow flowers, veg and fruit, and I talk to them? How are everyone's sun flowers and sweet peas doing?
6 May, 2011
Well, my Mange Tout are doing better than my sweet peas Eve! But sadly, I have no sunflowers!
6 May, 2011
Previous question
Hi there eve,
I net mine otherwise the blackbirds get them, if you use straw to bed round the plants that can help with keeping them off the ground, so wood lice don't nibble where the slugs have had a go.
Watch out for mice to, they can't resist ripe strawbs!!!!
Happy gardening.
6 May, 2011