United Kingdom
hello everyone i have got to move some perrenials this monday how is the best way to move them so they dont die there will be about 2 hours in between digging them up and replanting in my garden cant wait till winter only got monday it will be about 6pm when i dig them up please help if you can thankyou
6 May, 2011
I'd chuck plenty of water over them the night before as well, so that the soil's easier to work next day. That will help you get a bigger root ball out on Monday.
What are the perennials you're intending to move? If they have a lot of top growth it might be worth sacrificing this year's flowers and cutting them back to reduce the strain on the roots til they're established in their new position.
6 May, 2011
Wrap the root balls up in wet newspaper while they're out of the ground and put them close together in a box to transport them.
You could even do a 'Carol Klein' and split them if they're big clumps! (Not til you get them to their destination, though...)
6 May, 2011
thanks for everyone who answered my question on moving plants monday iam very gratefull for all your suggestions i will try them all and let you know how i got on once again thanks
7 May, 2011
Seems very late to move them and if its as dry there as it is here I think you will have real problems. But if you have to move them then try and take as much soil around them as possible and in advance prepare the new sites well, and if very dry water the new holes first and leave to drain. Once planted mulch to conserve water and then water well until re-established.
6 May, 2011