Cheery tree Stella
By Jannipirrani
United Kingdom
Just bought a Cheery tree (Stella) new shoots are turning brown before development. Whats wrong?
Hi Bamboo
Thanks for the reply....Planted three weeks ago with John Innes multicompost and a little blood, fish and bone neutrient. Minature 30L pot. Leaves and new shoots turning brown. Planted at the same time as minature Apple, Pear and Plum which are all thriving. Living in the Glasgow area.
7 May, 2011
Hi Bamboo
Thanks for the reply....Planted three weeks ago with John Innes multicompost and a little blood, fish and bone neutrient. Minature 30L pot. Leaves and new shoots turning brown. Planted at the same time as minature Apple, Pear and Plum which are all thriving. Living in the Glasgow area.
7 May, 2011
Shoots turning brown sometimes happen after blossoms shrivel - it follows on from that, but you haven't said it flowered. Did it? Have you watered sufficiently, or have you had a sudden frost in the last week or so?
7 May, 2011
Plant had a few shoots when bought, those as well as new ones turned brown before they could blossom. Watered everyday for a week after planting and then once a week, maybe not enough....... Thinking there may be some root disease, what do I do if there is and how will I know?
7 May, 2011
Certainly seems as if there's something not right with the plant - how about contacting the seller and asking for a refund or replacement - did you buy it from somewhere where you can do that?
Also, cherries in pots isnt a great idea - cherry trees are surface rooting, which means they want to spread out roots just beneath the soil outwards, and in a pot, they can't do that. Not suggesting that's the cause of these problems though, sounds like you haven't had it long enough for it to be that.
7 May, 2011
Thankyou for your help....... I think I'll do as you suggest and contact the supplier
7 May, 2011
Few questions for more info - have you planted it yet? If so, when? And is it the shoots turning brown, or the leaves? And what part of the country are you in?
7 May, 2011