Kaffa Lily
By Telme8
Vale of Glamorgan,
I have had kaffa lilies for a few years but they were not doing getting less each year so I took the remains up and put in a pot with compost. We have heavy clay soil. I forgot about them and wondered what these strap like leaves that appeared very abundently in a stored pot in my resuscitation corner. They have flowered and are still flowering what should I do when the flowering is over, should I repot them divide them or leave them as they are if so do they need a feed and if so what, as I understand lilies do not like much fertilisers. I have enjoyed them so much this Autumn the colour is so rich this time of the year,

22 Oct, 2008
Thanks Tina, I feel pleased that they have revived to have a second chance. If yours are in gravel no wonder mine disliked their new home when I was given them. Although the friend that gave them to me is on the same clay belt as we are, some of these old gardens that had an abundance of ashes from the coal fires years ago have a very different texture to the origional soil!
22 Oct, 2008
They do best in damp conditions, Telme. Mine don't seed themselves - in good soil - but I bought some tiny slips of plants at the local school May Fair - and they have all flowered. So they obviously liked being split!
22 Oct, 2008
Thanks Spitzhenry, I look forward to success at least I can only go up from where I was last year!
22 Oct, 2008
I would plant them back in the garden, they multiply readily in the soil and sometimes can become invasive.
22 Oct, 2008
Hello Telma yours are same colour as mine or we could have swapped.
Who else has these treasures in their gardens i jsut love them and keep splitting them.
22 Oct, 2008
Yes so appreciated at this time of year when the colour is dying down.
22 Oct, 2008
I have this colour and have found with mine that they seed quiet freely and have no problems at all with them multipling and apart from home made compost I spread on the borders I don't do anything special with them
Mine are in gravel beds as well as the borders and the ones in gravel do seem to do better.
You could always try to seperate some of them and repot them to see if that hlps them to bulk up.Try experimenting with them and see what happens.
I had the white ones and mine fizzled out and I have just bought a pale pink one,of which I have posted a photo but I shall take it in for the winter to be on the safe side.
Your tub full look quiet healthy so perhaps for you,you would be better growing them in containers.
22 Oct, 2008