We have just bought an Ornithogalum thyrsoides plant and on the plastic label it says "Propagation strictly prohibited"
By Rodbell
We have just bought an Ornithogalum thyrsoides plant and on the plastic label it says "Propagation strictly prohibited". Why is this?
On plant
Ornithogalum thyrsoides
7 May, 2011
I understand that some growers are now trying to 'copyright' plant cultivars that they produce. Whether or not there is any legal basis for this or not I don't know.
In the case of your bulbs it is nonsense as Ornithogalum thyrsoides is a natural species and no one can claim ownership. If it was O. t. 'Rodbell Beauty' then there might be a reason for the label, though personally i think the the grower is just being a chancer.
8 May, 2011
Just to add a point, a grower can take out protected status for a variety of a plant which means that you need to pay a royalty to him/her if you propagate that plant for commercial purposes. There is no legal restriction on propagating plants for your own use.
8 May, 2011
There was something about this on Radio 4 a few months ago. If I remember correctly, there is no responsibility to prove that they even created the cultivar (although I may be wrong).
It is becoming increasingly common to find this on plants. However, it is still a grey area when it comes to seeds.
8 May, 2011
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No idea... sounds very odd!
8 May, 2011