By Cmj
United Kingdom
I have a mature staghorn sumac tree which has not as yet produced any leaves. I have examined the tips of the branches and have observed that there are the tiniest of green shoots which do not appear to be developing at all. Does this mean that the tree is non thriving? Or is it 'stressed' or 'delayed' for some reason.
I would be most grateful for any advice or knowledge regarding this tree and it's growth pattern for this time of year?
8 May, 2011
Thank you 'bamboo'. I have been watering the tree but not as prolonged as you suggest. I shall get the hose out now!!
8 May, 2011
You're the third person in two days to ask about delayed appearance of leaves on sumac this year. I hope it's a consolation that you're not the only one! Let's blame the weather. :-)
8 May, 2011
Previous question
« I have a hebe that is out of control.Will i damage it if i cut it back now?
If you've not been watering, then its stressed alright - its suffering from prolonged drought. Leave the hose running on a trickle at the base for at least an hour - even if you've now had some rain.
8 May, 2011