United Kingdom
I have today bought a flowering plant and dont know what it is - please can anyone help?
Its about 18 inches high, mulit-stemmed, with light-mid dull green leaves, and clusters of small cream flowers with black markings.

8 May, 2011
And I forgot to ask, is this an outdoor or indoor plant?
8 May, 2011
A wild guess here, Enkianthus, small clusters of flowers, early to mid may, but, the small flowers are creamy colored with faint pink margins? julien.
8 May, 2011
In order to give an sort of id we need a photo, preferably several, whole plant/shrub, leaves and flowers. Your description could apply to a large number of plants!
8 May, 2011
Thank you for all the comments so far, and I have uploaded a photo as requested.
9 May, 2011
Looks remarkably like a broad bean plant in flower... if you've got planted in the ground you'll get some nice beans in a month or so's time
9 May, 2011
yes, I'd say broad bean, unless it has a close relative.
Good photo.
11 May, 2011
Previous question
« further to my question on my stag's horn (a) yes the leaves are still green...
Hello Alan, love your GOY name. Titchmarsh brings me out in a rash, but I'm getting off the point...
Can you please either post a photo of the flowering plant or if not, ask someone else to do it for you? (you can ask for advice by posting another question if you are not sure of any of the posting steps)
It's very hard hazarding a guess without a photo. Hope to see one soon!
8 May, 2011