By Pam24
United Kingdom
We have grown 20 gardeners delight tomato plants and they have all come up! I need to know if this variety needs to have the side shoots taken out as it grows, or do we leave them to grow naturally? I intend to give some away so it would be nice to have the right information to impart to others....:)
8 May, 2011
Yes I do, and I know I've read somewhere that some varieties can be left to their own devices and don't need the shoots taken out.....wondered if that applied to Gardeners Delight?
9 May, 2011
So far as I know they are not a bush type Pam and, even then, you need to remove the shoots growing in the leaf axels.
9 May, 2011
We always leave the side shoots on here, because we need more shade for the fruit, to keep it from burning. Of course, you have the opposite problem in the UK! : )
10 May, 2011
Here we strip off most of the leaves to allow the fruit to ripen properly! But not until the fruit is set and starting to colour.
10 May, 2011
Thanks for that guys, I shall see what the weather does and go with flow, it can't make alot of difference to the fruit then?
10 May, 2011
Yes it does, if you don't nip out the little side shoots that grow in the axels of the existing branches the tomato plant will put its energy into growing leaves not tomatoes. Later once the tomatoes are formed you may need to remove some of the actual leaves to ensure the sun gets to the fruits to ripen them. TugB is gardening in Arizona where they have a desert climate.
10 May, 2011
Sorry, MG and Pam, I should have specified that. I will try to do better in the future. : }
11 May, 2011
No sweat TugB
11 May, 2011
Do you have drought resistant varieties in Arizona? I find that if I forget to water the toms the plant survives but the fruit splits or remains quite small.
11 May, 2011
Consistent watering of your tomatoes is very important Pam
11 May, 2011
None of the varieties that I have grown have shown any real drought resistance, though there are supposed to be experimental kinds that are more drought tolerant--I suspect that that would only be in the ground, not in pots. 'Silver Fir', and 'Yellow Pear' have borne with marginal abuse for me, but not very well.
11 May, 2011
Thanks for all the comments, appreciated. I am looking forward to some juicy tomatoes, weather permitting!
12 May, 2011
Just keep up on the watering...
12 May, 2011
If by 'side shoots' you mean the little shoots that sprout out between the main stem and the leaf then yes I always remove them.
9 May, 2011