By Dommybear
United Kingdom
i have two potted cordyline they have both sprouted new cluster of leaves at the base of the trunk i am assuming they are babies my problem is some of the leaves on the plant are yellowing sparodically is there any reason for this also these boys are in large pots
- 9 May, 2011
I don't know where you are in the UK, but if your Cordylines were out all winter in their pots, and are still alive, that's virtually a miracle. Check the trunks from top to bottom - you're looking for soft, soggy, mushy, blackened, oozing, rotting areas, anything like that. If nothing, and the tops are growing okay, then you can remove the smaller plants at the base if you wish. If you want to grow some on, you'd need to get a good piece of root with the shoots, if that's possible.
Also check the plants aren't potbound, if no signs of rot anywhere.
9 May, 2011