Holsbeek, Brabant, Flanders,
Does anyone know the name of this plant? It grows in my friend's garden, since 2010 already, and can stand the drought quite well!

9 May, 2011
No, I think it died in winter time, but it came back, and to me it looks like it is going to grow rather tall, big. I'll ask my friend, it grows in her city garden. It certainly is very drought-tolerant.
She never used to have it before.
Thanks anyway.
We've had a slight drizzle for two minutes and are longing for rain that much!! It hasn't rained for ages! We wouldn't mind having a whole week of rain! The garden is totally dry. We try to keep our young vegetable plants alive by watering in the evening. But it takes a lot of effort, and we can't keep on doing it...
10 May, 2011
is that a flower head in the center ? it would be interesting to see what develops ;-)
10 May, 2011
I agree, I haven't a clue what it is, but I'm interested to see the flower. The leaves look a bit brassica-y to me, & remind me of pak choi. (Or bok choi?)
10 May, 2011
My initial impression was a Brassica, but is the flower formation right. It was also difficult to get a sense of the scale.....
Watching with interest.
10 May, 2011
I am also very interested to see the flower.
10 May, 2011
Looks brassica family to me as well, not a clue what it is. Not very useful I know, but I'd like to follow this thread too...
10 May, 2011
Previous question
I'm afraid not Hilda. But by commenting it makes it easy for me to keep an eye on future answers.....
How tall would you say it is by the way, and is it evergreen?
10 May, 2011