Newbie questions
By Reem777
United Kingdom
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum and very new to gardening so sorry if these are really daft questions but they a just a couple of things i was thinking about while pottering in the garden today.
Firstly how many flowers does one crocus bulb produce?
Secondly a Gardman mini greenhouse with the plastic cover i assume acts like a coldframe during the winter and will protect from frost?
23 Oct, 2008
Hallo Reem - not daft questions at all! As Docbob says, most crocus bulbs just have one flower - but if they are left in, depending on the type, they will produce more in the future. No, a plastic mini greenhouse will not keep frost out - it might protect against a very light one, but don't bank on it! I hope it's well pinned down, too - they can take off in high winds!
23 Oct, 2008
~I have a couple of plastic greenhouses but in addition when i know the temperature is going to be low,I cover everything with a layer of thick fleece per shelf~not lost anything yet~depends where you are!~
23 Oct, 2008
Thanks for the replys. I see you can get a fleece cover for the mini greenhouse so may invest in one.
Planning a cold frame at some point when i've got my head round everything else that needs doing!
23 Oct, 2008
I~ have seen the fleece covers but think that you can't put one on as well as the plastic because of the tying on problems-if you can let me know! Thick fleece available on ebay has amultitude of uses!~
23 Oct, 2008
Sorry - forgot to say 'Welcome to GOY'!
23 Oct, 2008
wELCOME. I have a gardman mini greenhouse which I have had for many years now. I have placed it in a sheltered position close to the house. Being in the South this means it is almost frost free. The drawback though is it does not get a lot of sunlight so I have covered the shelves with cooking foil to reflect light and it seems to partially deter slugs and snails. Every year I overwinter fushcias and geraniums in it and any young plants started in the autumn. Mine, I've got to say has been worth every penny, but a word of warning, my daughter-in-law bought one and despite tying it down, the wind took it away and its contents. So be sure if you do buy one you have somewhere sheltered for it.
24 Oct, 2008
~ mine have gone over in the past scattering everything but my husband has tied them in to the wall of the house which they back on to-the foil seems a good idea-does that generate heat as well as light?
24 Oct, 2008
never thought of heat, will have to wait for a sunny winter's day to find out though
24 Oct, 2008
The tin foil sounds like a very good idea, will try it as my garden dosen't get as much sun as i'd like.
I did order the fleece cover but not put it on yet, will report on it as soon as its done!
4 Nov, 2008
Have you made a raised bed.
If you dig the soil out of it and the 2nd. sub soil spit. i.e 9" top 9" sub soil. Purchase fresh stable manure (grass cuttings mixed with straw will do the same job, but not stay heated so long).
Put the manure in to replace the sub soil, cover with 6" of top soil, plunge your pots or put seed trays on top.
Cover your raised bed with one piece of polythene. To make a tent put in 2 or 3 canes with small pots on top filled with newspaper, Will become pest traps which you can clear from time to time.
The stable manure will heat up giving you heat up till March, getting you through the coldest weather.
4 Nov, 2008
Hi Reem 777,
In it's first year the crocus produces mainly one big flower then more if blackbirds don't have them, yellow is their favourite.
Make up your own cold frame if you want it to be permanent.
23 Oct, 2008