By Davefc
Taunton Somerset, United Kingdom
I have aquestion regarding a plant I have been growing for about the last 10 years. Im not sure what it is called bought it when I lived in London in a small pot and it grew quite happily on my balcony when I moved down to somerset it went mental and grew into a really nice small tree and I potted it into a large pot and for the last 4 years its been great. But after the harsh winter weve just had it seemed to die off and went very soft on the stem when you squeezed it as if there was no wood left just pulp. I was just about to call it a day when I saw on gardeners world they said to cut it right back and that it would grow back. So not wanting to give up the goast I cut it down to about 6 inches above the soil.
that was about 6 or 7 weeks ago but no sign of anything yet . Has anyone else had this happen or heard about it ? or am I just "flogging a dead horse" and should I give it its last rights ! I am adding the only picture I can find sorry not a very good one.
- 10 May, 2011
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This is a red cordyline Dave. They've been badly affected all over the UK last winter as it was unusually cold. You need some more patience - it may not decide to grow until the summer, say July. It would have stood more chance in the ground as it wouldn't have frozen quite so hard. Give it a couple more months and keep your fingers crossed.
10 May, 2011