By Sparkie7
United Kingdom
How do I grow runner beans using a cane wigwam
11 May, 2011
I make the wigwam first because being a bit hamfisted it saves me damaging the young plants when inserting and tying the canes. I really really hesitate to be different from Bamboo, but I would buy longer canes than 6 feet as they need to go into the ground quite a bit for stability especially if your site is at all windy. I guess the six feet is the amount above the ground when you've put them in.
11 May, 2011
Hmm, well you're right, Steragram, now I think about it - they'd need to be at least 8 feet really, maybe a bit more, sorry, Sparkle7
12 May, 2011
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dig out a bed large enough to take the base of the canes, incorporate loads of composted materials, plant the beans in a circle into that, backfill with the soil, insert the canes and tie them together at the top to make a wigwam. Canes should be 5 or 6 feet long. Water well and keep watered during dry spells.
11 May, 2011