United Kingdom
I am ready to site a greenhouse on the sunny side of the garden. This happens to be right next to my veggie patch. Does it matter if the veggies are between the greenhouse and the fence or should the greenhouse be next to the fence with the veggies in front?
11 May, 2011
Doesn't matter, just whichever way works for you.
11 May, 2011
Is the fence likely to shade your greenhouse? My fence is east facing to the greenhouse so it's only shaded in the very early morning.....
11 May, 2011
youlbe able to acsess your veg garden much easier with it this side of the greenhousei believe instead ofsqueesing along the fence or next to the green house so much the way i said but aSs moon grower sais its up to you but you did ask lol .
11 May, 2011
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« Hi everyone - the plants in the photo have sprung up in a couple of pots. I'm...
i think just for practical reasens if nothing else the green house should be next to the fence and the vedge on the outside .
11 May, 2011