By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan, United Kingdom
What would the temperature be for a ground frost?
- 11 May, 2011
Yes it is because of my plants but it just all confuses me.
11 May, 2011
Well, its not a simple picture, is it, depends on lots of factors, but basically, at this time of year in Britain, if the temperature falls to 4 deg C, I'd be protecting tender plants. Anything over 6 deg C and they should be fine because the nights are short.
11 May, 2011
oh thanks bamboo...tht simplified it for me :)
12 May, 2011
Can I ask why you want to know Cookygirl? Only, if its because you're worried about ground frost and plants, some plants are affected by air frost and some by 'grass frost' as well as a proper ground frost. Anyway, a simple answer to your simple question is, ground frost is possible when the air temperature falls to 5 deg C because the ground may be colder - but it depends on the time of year, because the ground is warm in autumn, but cold in spring and early summer.
11 May, 2011